Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Outcomes during Caesarean Section under Spinal Anaesthesia: A Comparative Analysis


  • Salwa Bashir Ali Eltaweel Author


blood pressure, Heart rate, caesarean section, spinal anaesthesia


This study aimed to investigate the factors contributing to low blood pressure during caesarean sections and its consequences. Our results show that there were significant differences in blood pressure values before and after spinal anaesthesia, with no statistically significant differences in blood pressure levels. Conversely, we found a statistically significant difference in heart rate before and 5 minutes after spinal anaesthesia. These findings suggest that maintaining adequate blood volume through intravenous fluids and closely monitoring blood pressure throughout the procedure can help prevent low blood pressure during caesarean sections. Additionally, our results highlight the importance of monitoring heart rate changes during spinal anaesthesia to prevent potential complications.




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